“Overskuelig risikostyrring “

Leave A Mark Consulting Group has extensive experience in developing risk management policies and template, which can easily be used on a daily basis in the company. 
We have expertise throughout the whole process from defining the company's risk appetite, risk analysis incl. DIPA analysis, as well as ongoing follow-up.
We typically work from risk standards ISO 31000 and ISO 27005, which are internationally recognized risk standards.
By using a light and clear model for risk handling, the company's management is able to quickly make the correct choices based on a risk perspective. 


Har du behov for at få udarbejdet en Business impact assessment (BIA) eller en Privacy impact assessment har vi konsulenter der specielt uddannet i disse områder. 

Kontakt os på +45 535 27000 for at hører mere om mulighederne i forbindelse med risikohåndtering.