In a time where digitalization is accelerating and cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, it is essential for companies to strengthen their cybersecurity and information security measures.

This brings us to the critical importance of the NIS2 directive, an update and expansion of the EU’s directive on network and information security, aimed at enhancing digital defense across the EU. Read more about the NIS2 directive here.

NIS2-direktivet The NIS2 directive expands the requirements for security measures and incident reporting to a broader range of sectors and businesses, making compliance not only a legal requirement but also a business necessity.

Necessary competences

An FTE competence could for example consist of a lead implementer/project manager, a governance expert, a cyber security expert and a risk expert.

It is our experience that the new NIS2 directive makes great demands on a number of competencies and it will typically not be sufficient with a lead implementer/project manager. 

Leave a Mark has all competence available in-house, which means that we can quickly put together the FTE competence you need.

Har man allerede implementeret ISO27001 kan man forholdsvis let udvide den med NIS2 kravene.

We have implemented NIS2 for companies such as Energinet, Norlys, and ProMark.
Read about the cases here

NIS2 Implementation Process: A Step-by-Step Guide


In the initial phase, we analyze the requirements of the NIS2 directive and examine how they specifically relate to your organization's context. This involves identifying the areas within your organization that fall within the scope of the directive.
We conduct a detailed Business Impact Analysis (BIA) aimed at identifying and assessing potential security threats to your organization's information systems. This analysis involves identifying critical assets, potential vulnerabilities, and the likelihood of various threat scenarios. Through the BIA, we gain an understanding of your organization's maturity and risk profile in cybersecurity.
The results from the BIA form the foundation for developing a customized implementation plan that addresses specific threats and vulnerabilities. This plan includes clear step-by-step goals, resource allocation, and timelines for implementing necessary security measures. By basing our efforts on this approach, we address the organization's specific challenges and needs, ensuring a targeted and effective approach to NIS2 compliance.


In this phase, we utilize the results from the previously conducted Business Impact Analysis (BIA) along with your organization's current IT security to develop an implementation plan. The implementation plan is designed to address both the technical and organizational aspects of cybersecurity.

At the technical level, the plan may involve updates to existing IT infrastructure, implementation of advanced security solutions, and configuration of network protection. This could entail installing firewall systems, intrusion detection/prevention systems, antivirus software, and other tools to safeguard against cyber threats. Additionally, we will ensure that these technical measures adhere to applicable standards and guidelines.

At the organizational level, we will focus on developing or adapting policies and procedures that are fundamental to NIS2 compliance. This may include the development of clear guidelines for handling security incidents, establishment of an emergency response plan, and training employees in security procedures and best practices.

CISO services


In this phase, we undertake a comprehensive implementation of the necessary policies, procedures, and controls to ensure consistent IT security in your organization. The NIS2 directive defines a series of mandatory measures that we adhere to:

  • Risk analysis and information system securityConducting risk assessments to identify and evaluate potential threats to your information systems and implementing appropriate security measures.
  • Incident management: Establishing robust procedures for handling security incidents, including reporting, analysis, and response to minimize damage and restore normal operations quickly.
  • Business continuity: Ensuring operational continuity through backup solutions, recovery procedures, and a well-defined emergency response plan.
  • Continuous assessment of security measures:Implementing processes to continually evaluate and update your security measures in line with developments in the threat landscape and your organization's needs.
  • Employee trainingDeveloping and delivering tailored training programs to ensure that all employees understand their responsibilities and roles in protecting the organization's systems and data.
  • EncryptionImplementing robust encryption solutions to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data, both during storage and transmission.
  • Personnel security and access controlImplementing strict access control and procedures to ensure personnel security and restrict access to sensitive information.


As an integral part of the implementation, a comprehensive contingency plan is developed to ensure crisis and disaster management to minimize damage and ensure rapid recovery. This plan includes responsibilities, communication procedures, and recovery strategies.

Our experience tells us that implementation can vary depending on the company's resources and previous efforts in IT security. Therefore, it is essential to start the implementation well in advance to ensure that all necessary measures are in place before NIS2 comes into effect on January 1, 2025. With our extensive experience in implementing IT standards, we ensure an effective implementation that meets the organization's needs and complies with regulatory requirements.

With our broad experience with implementing standards we secure an effective implementation, with covers the organisations needs og compliance with the legislations requirements.

STEP 4 - Monitoring and Maintenance

We implement processes for ongoing monitoring of security measures to ensure that your organization remains protected against constant and evolving threats. As a general recommendation, we suggest evaluating the threat landscape twice a year to ensure that any new threats are identified, and appropriate measures are implemented to mitigate their impact.

It's important to understand that compliance with NIS2 is not a one-time project. Therefore, we offer regular reviews and updates of security measures to ensure that your organization remains compliant with the regulation over time.

Our primary goal is to make the implementation process as efficient as possible, ensuring that your company not only meets the legal requirements but also strengthens cybersecurity across the organization as a whole. By choosing us as your partner, you gain access to in-depth expertise and an approach tailored to your company's unique needs and challenges.

NIS2 Statement 

A NIS2 statement from Leave a Mark is proof that the company's IT infrastructure, network security, and internal procedures meet the requirements of the NIS2 directive.

The process includes an initial assessment using a GAP analysis and a final audit. 



Leave a Mark’s auditors review the company's documentation for compliance with the requirements set by the NIS2 directive.

This includes, among other things, incident management, business continuity, risk analysis, and information security, among others.


The benefits include increased credibility, enhanced security, and a competitive advantage. 

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