What is ISO42001?

ISO/IEC 42001 is the world's first AI standard. It can be utilized as a tool to build trust through certification or as a general framework for the governance of AI.

Standarden er et betydeligt skridt fremad inden for AI samt dets anvendelse og indeholder et detaljeret styregrundlag for pålidelig og ansvarlig brug af AI. ISO/IEC 42001 er egnet for organisationer i alle størrelser og sektorer.

Standarden er en del af en bredere pakke af standarder, der sigter mod at styre bedste praksis for pålidelig udvikling, implementering og forbedring af AI. En oversigt over standarden kan ses nedenfor. 


AI Regulation - Why Choose ISO42001

The increasing use of AI has raised many concerns about its impact on fundamental rights and freedoms. In response to this, the European Union (EU) has taken a significant step to regulate AI.

EU’s AI-forordning er verdens første konkrete initiativ til regulering af AI. Den har til formål at gøre Europa til et globalt centrum for pålidelig AI ved at fastlægge regler for udvikling, markedsføring og brug af AI i EU. Forordningen sigter på at sikre, at AI-systemer i EU er sikre og respekterer grundlæggende rettigheder og værdier. Desuden er dens mål at fremme investering og innovation inden for AI, forbedre styring og håndhævelse samt opmuntre til et enkelt EU-marked for AI.

The regulation has established clear definitions for the various actors involved in AI: providers, implementers, importers, distributors, and manufacturers of products. This means that all parties involved in the development, use, import, distribution, or manufacturing of AI models will be held accountable. 

Despite the absence of legislation regarding AI usage, you can proactively embrace responsibility in the use of AI as a business, both for your organization and your customers.



Scopet refererer til virksomhedens omfang af aktiviteter og elementer, som er inkluderet.

Normative references henviser til dokumenter der er officielt nævnt og er en integreret del af en standardarden.

Terms and conditions refererer til de juridiske og forretningsmæssige vilkår, der styrer brugen af en standarden. 

4.1 Understanding the organization and its context

4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties

4.3 Determining the scope of the AI management system

4.4 AI management system

5.1 Leadership and commitment

5.2 AI policy

5.3 Roles, responsibilities and authorities

6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities

6.2 AI objectives and planning to achieve them

6.3 Planning of changes

7.1 Ressources 

7.2 Competence

7.3 Awareness

7.4 Communication

7.5 Documented information

8.1 Operational planning and control

8.2 AI risk assessment

8.3 AI risk treatment

8.4 AI system impact assessment

9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation

9.2 Internal audit

9.3 Management review

10.1 Continual improvement

10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action

Benefits of implementing ISO 42001

  • Protection of company data

  • Ethical and responsible use of AI
  • Framework for managing risks and opportunities
  • Credibility towards your customers and partners

  • Enhanced understanding of AI usage

  • Ahead of upcoming legislation

Who should be ISO42001 certified

The ISO 42001 standard is recommended by ISO to apply to businesses of all sizes.

Alle virksomheder,  anvender AI i stigende grad til udførelsen af deres arbejde, såsom softwarevirksomheder, rådgivning og supportende aktiviteter bør indføre ISO42001-standarden.