Energinet - DAtahub

DataHub is the core for electricity consumption data in Denmark, efficiently managing processes for 3.3 million electricity consumers. Various actors in the electricity market communicate through DataHub, ensuring accurate billing. Energinet utilizes DataHub to balance electricity consumption and production. DataHub supports the Wholesale Model, implemented in 2016, which enhances competition and improves conditions for electricity customers.

Read more about Energinet - Datahub HERE

Leave a Mark's work includes the implementation of ISO27001 standard in close collaboration with Energinet - DataHub. We will implement the following standards: ISO27001, ISO27017, ISO27018, ISO27019, ISO27701, CIS18, NIS2.


Copenhagen Economics

Copenhagen Economics, established in 2000, is an economic consultancy firm specializing in providing solid facts and clear narratives to enable better decision-making. With over 100 employees across offices in Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, and Brussels, they contribute to various sectors, including climate, competition, and energy policy. They assist clients in navigating and influencing regulatory and policy design, enhancing competition, and improving conditions for all economic actors.

Read more about Copenhagen Economics HERE

Leave a Mark's work includes implementing policies and procedures in accordance with the ISO27001 standard, as well as ESG practices in close collaboration with Copenhagen Economics. This involves scoping, risk assessment, development of policies and procedures, contingency plans, and implementation of controls and measures. Additionally, Leave a Mark serves as a part-time Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for Copenhagen Economics.


Workforce management solution 

ProMark was founded in 1981 when three engineers built the first data collection terminal. Today, we assist some of the largest and most well-known brands in the world. With over 1000 customer installations in 20+ countries across three continents, our solution is used daily by more than 300,000 employees.

Read more about ProMark HERE

Leave a Mark’s arbejde omfatter en implementering og løbende vedligehold af ISO27001, NIS2, CISO opgaver, risikoanalyse, rådgivning om IT-sikkerhed ‘best practices’, projektledelse under eksterne audits, rådgivning om omlægning fra lokal hosting til cloud hosting (SaaS) og input til serviceaftaler og kontrakter.

Read the entire case HERE

Nordic Computer

Nordic Computer er en dansk virksomhed, der fokuserer på bæredygtige IT-løsninger. De specialiserer sig i at forlænge levetiden for IT-udstyr gennem vedligeholdelse og genbrug, hvilket bidrager til økonomisk og miljømæssig bæredygtighed. De tilbyder en bred vifte af tjenester, herunder vedligeholdelse og opfriskning af servere, lagerenheder og netværksudstyr. Med et stort lager af enterprise IT-hardware understreger de deres engagement i at reducere CO2-udledning og fremme bæredygtig udvikling i IT-sektoren.

Læs mere om Nordic Computer HERE

Nordic Computer har i samarbejde med Leave a Mark udarbejdet deres første klimarapport i overensstemmelse med EU’s CSRD og ESRS E1-standarder.

Leave a Mark har bistået med udarbejdelsen af Nordic Computers første klimarapport i overensstemmelse med EU’s CSRD og ESRS E1-standarder.

Read the entire case HERE


FarPay offers a comprehensive all-in-one solution primarily focusing on invoice payments, including both manual and automated payments. This, along with automated accounting, ensures a seamless payment experience for the company's customers. Overall, FarPay aims to make invoice management easier and alleviate some of the complexities associated with payment solutions. 

Read more about FarPay HERE

Leave a Mark's work consists of part-time CISO tasks as well as the implementation of the ISO27001 and ISO27701 standards. 

Read the entire case HERE

Alfa Omega

Alfa Omega Clinic contributes to creating health and balance in the daily lives of Danes. They believe that one's quality of life improves when they are satisfied with their appearance. Therefore, they offer customized treatments such as fillers, wrinkle treatments, acne treatments, mesotherapy, etc., along with pre-consultation and skin analysis.

Read more about Alfa Omega HERE

Alfa Omega contacted us with a clear desire to become D-mark certified. This is due, in part, to the fact that customers would be able to see that the company takes responsibility for their personal information. Certification will demonstrate that Alfa Omega meets the requirements regarding IT security and data ethics.

Read the entire case HERE