Introduktion til ISO27001

Implementing ISO27001 is an extensive process that ranges from understanding the requirements of the standard to achieving certification. It's a strategic decision that can significantly enhance an organization's information security, strengthen customer trust, and meet regulatory requirements.

Our guide will delve into this complex process, presenting the key steps and helping your organization navigate the implementation in a structured and secure manner, leading to international recognition of your information security efforts.

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What is an ISO27001?

The abbreviation 'ISO' stands for International Organization of Standardization - an independent, non-governmental international organization with 161 national standardization bodies. The organization facilitates knowledge sharing from experts and promotes the development of market-relevant international standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.

The number '27001' is the common name for a number of specific standards and requirements on how a management system for information security must be implemented and maintained in a company. ISO27001 is based on a risk-based approach to the management of information security and the standards are set to set the procedures in the system.

Why chose ISO 27001?

All companies have fire and burglar alarms installed to prevent major operational threats. But data and information security should be weighted at least as high. Not only that corporate customers has a high risk if information security is not in order, there is now introduced a number of regulations gives a high fines and punishment if data is not protect correct.

With an ISO27001 certification, the company gets a first-class management system so that the quality, safety and efficiency are top.

At the same time, an ISO27001 certificate contributes to promoting international trade, and up to 85% of all corporate customers sees certification as confidence-building.


Hvem bør vælge ISO27001?

ISO27001 er relevant for de fleste virksomheder, uanset branche, som håndterer data og ønsker at beskytte sig mod cybertrusler.

Certificeringen hjælper ikke kun med at opfylde de lovgivningsmæssige krav som NIS2 og DORA, men giver også en struktureret tilgang til informations-sikkerhed og risikostyring.

Mange virksomheders kunder kræver nu ISO27001-certificering som en standard for at sikre et højt sikkerhedsniveau.

Ved at implementere ISO27001 kan din virksomhed demonstrere en stærk forpligtelse til informationssikkerhed, øge kundetilliden, og reducere risikoen for databrud.

Dette kan også føre til forbedrede forretningsmuligheder og en konkurrencefordel på markedet.



Introduktion til implementeringsprocessen

At implementere ISO 27001 kan virke som en omfattende proces, men det er en essentiel investering for at beskytte virksomhedens informationer og styrke dens overholdelse af IT-sikkerhedsstandarder. Implementeringsprocessen er opdelt i seks klare trin, der hjælper din virksomhed med at opbygge og vedligeholde et effektivt Information Security Management System (ISMS).


iso27001 implementering

ISO27001 Implementation Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

TRIN 1 – Definer omfanget af ISMS

The first step in implementing ISO27001 is to define the scope of the ISMS.

This involves identifying all types of information that need protection, such as databases, servers, and applications. You also need to identify the locations where these assets are stored and processed, as well as the individuals who have access to them.



The next step is to perform a risk assessment to identify potential risks to information types within the scope of the ISMS (Information Security Management System).

This involves analyzing the probability and impact of various types of threats, such as cyber attacks, data breaches, and human errors. Once you have identified the risks, you can determine the appropriate controls to mitigate them.


TRIN 3 – Udarbejd en risikobehandlingsplan

Based on the results of the risk assessment, you should develop a risk treatment plan that outlines the controls you will implement to mitigate the identified risks.

The plan should include the specific actions to be taken, the responsible parties, and the implementation timeline.




The next step is to implement the controls described in the risk treatment plan. This may involve various actions such as installing security software, configuring access controls, and developing security policies and procedures.

It is important to ensure that all employees are aware of the controls and understand their role in maintaining security.

TRIN 5 – løbende overvågning af ISMS

Once the controls are implemented, it is important to regularly monitor and review the ISMS to ensure its effective functioning.

This may involve internal audits, reviewing security log files, and analyzing incident reports. Any issues or weaknesses identified should be addressed through corrective actions.

TRIN 6 – Certificering (frivilligt)

Finally, you can apply for certification of your ISMS from a reputable certification body. This involves an external audit to ensure that the ISMS meets the requirements of ISO27001.

Certification is voluntary, and you can indeed adhere to the standard without obtaining certification. However, certification is a good way to demonstrate to customers and other stakeholders that you comply with the requirements.

Håndterer I personoplysninger?

Hvis din virksomhed håndterer persondata, er det relevant at overveje en udvidelse til ISO27001 med ISO27701. Denne udvidelse integrerer et Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) i det eksisterende ISMS (ISO27001-implementeringen).


Læs mere om ISO27701 herunder

Hvad er ISO27701?

ISO27701 er en udvidelse af ISO27001, der tilføjer et robust Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) til håndtering af personoplysninger. Med ISO27701 udvides de grundlæggende sikkerhedselementer i ISO27001 til at omfatte de specifikke krav til databeskyttelse, herunder GDPR. Denne udvidelse skaber et stærkt og internationalt anerkendt system til håndtering af persondata.

Et effektivt PIMS kan være med til at opnå effektiv overholdelse af databeskyttelsesregler, da det kan lette administrationen af de komplekse krav til databeskyttelse. 

Why choose IS27701?

ISO27701 er en værdifuld udvidelse til ISO27001-standarden og styrker virksomhedens evne til at beskytte persondata. Ved at integrere en struktureret tilgang til databeskyttelse kan ISO27701 effektivisere overholdelsen af GDPR.

Implementering af og certificering i ISO27701 demonstrerer virksomhedens forpligtelse til at beskytte personoplysninger, hvilket kan øge tilliden blandt kunder og forretningspartnere. Derudover bidrager ISO27701 til forbedret risikostyring ved at hjælpe virksomheder med at identificere og håndtere risici i forbindelse med databehandling.

Hvordan implementeres ISO27701?

ISO27701 er en naturlig og nem udvidelse af ISO27001, da den bygger videre på de eksisterende processer og strukturer for informationssikkerhed. Har I allerede implementeret ISO27001 eller skal i gang med dette, er det derfor en nem tilføjelse. Dette skyldes at implementeringen følger den samme proces, som beskrevet ovenfor.

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