What is an ISO27001?

The abbreviation 'ISO' stands for International Organization of Standardization - an independent, non-governmental international organization with 161 national standardization bodies. The organization facilitates knowledge sharing from experts and promotes the development of market-relevant international standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.

The number '27001' is the common name for a number of specific standards and requirements on how a management system for information security must be implemented and maintained in a company. ISO27001 is based on a risk-based approach to the management of information security and the standards are set to set the procedures in the system.

Why chose ISO 27001?

All companies have fire and burglar alarms installed to prevent major operational threats. But data and information security should be weighted at least as high. Not only that corporate customers has a high risk if information security is not in order, there is now introduced a number of regulations gives a high fines and punishment if data is not protect correct.

With an ISO27001 certification, the company gets a first-class management system so that the quality, safety and efficiency are top.

At the same time, an ISO27001 certificate contributes to promoting international trade, and up to 85% of all corporate customers sees certification as confidence-building.

Read about the process of implementing ISO27001 HERE

Benefits of implementing ISO27001

  • Reduction of IT crashes with up to 35%

  • Fulfillment of requirements for international tender

  • Improved supplier management

  • Increased security in relation to industrial espionage

  • Data leak as a result of personal or procedural errors is reduced

  • Greater internal understanding about information security

  • Streamlining and automating information processes

  • Higher trust from corporate customers

  • Increased competitiveness and quality

  • Reduction of costs

  • Total risk and safety overview - Better priority

Click here for at læse mere om implementeringprocessen.

Who should be ISO27001 certified?

The ISO27001 standard is recommended by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority as "Best Pratice" for financial companies. The Danish state has chosen ISO27001 as a security standard for all government companies, and the certification has been mandatory since January 2014.

Companies that are suppliers for financial or state businesses, as well as industries that handle larger amounts of sensitive data should introduce the ISO27001 standard.
