What is an ISO27701?

ISO 27701 expands on the ISO 27001 standard by incorporating a Privacy Information Management System (PIMS). In essence, ISO 27701 supplements the ISO 27001 standard with elements that specifically address the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). By implementing the ISO 27701 standard, organizations establish a robust and internationally recognized Personally Identifiable Information Management System (PIMS). 

A robust PIM's secure compliance with privacy requirements (especially laws and regulations, plus third-party agreements, as well as corporate privacy policies GDPR.) An otherwise large task, especially if the requirements are not organized in the most effective way.

A prerequisite for obtaining certification in ISO 27701 is that you already have the ISO 27001 certification. 

ISO 27701

Why choose IS27701?

ISO 27701 is a valuable extension to the ISO 27001 standard that can significantly contribute to a company's data protection practices. It provides a structured approach to managing personal information, which can strengthen the organization's data protection programs.

Additionally, ISO 27701 can assist businesses in complying with data protection regulations, including GDPR, thereby reducing the risk of violations and associated fines. Implementing the standard can also help build greater trust among customers and business partners, as it demonstrates the company's commitment to protecting personal information.

Finally, ISO 27701 can contribute to improved risk management as the standard helps businesses identify and address risks associated with the processing of personal information. In a time where data protection is of utmost importance, ISO 27701 can be a crucial step for any organization that handles personal data.

Benefits of introducing ISO27701

  • Improved data protection and privacy protection.
  • Structured approach to managing personal information.
  • Assistance with compliance to data protection regulations such as GDPR.
  • Reduction of the risk of regulatory violations and fines.
  • Enhancement of trust among customers and partners.
  • Demonstration of the company's commitment to data protection.
  • Improved identification and management of risks associated with personal information.
  • Implementation of internationally recognized best practices for data protection.
  • Enhanced corporate reputation.
  • Opportunity for continuous improvement of PIMS

Who should get ISO27701-certified?

ISO27701 certification is relevant for all organizations that handle personal information to a significant extent, regardless of the sector. This can range from technology companies to healthcare, finance, retail, and the public sector.

Companies that process large volumes of personal data, are subject to strict data protection regulations like GDPR, or aim to demonstrate a strong commitment to data protection should particularly consider ISO 27701 certification.